Archiv für den Monat Oktober 2015

Number26 Is A Bank Designed For The 21st Century



Why does it still take two days in Europe for a card transaction to show up in your bank statement? Meet Number26, the Simple of Europe — a fintech startup that promises to fix all the oddities of the European bank system. In other words, Number26 is a bank that doesn’t suck. The startup is launching today in private beta on stage at TechCrunch Disrupt London.

“We are providing Europe’s most modern current account, bank account,” co-founder and CEO Valentin Stalf told me in a phone interview before Disrupt. “Attached to it comes a MasterCard.”

As a reminder, commercial banks in Europe suck. In the U.S., you can show up and open an account in five minutes. In Europe, you need to make an appointment with a bank’s local branch, bring documents and fill a lot of forms. You can also sign up online, but you’ll have to go to the post office to send documents.

When you sign up for a Number26 account, the process is much easier than any other bank — you don’t have to physically send anything as the entire process takes place on the company’s website. The company told me that you can sign up in five minutes.

At the very end of the process, Number26 starts a video call to verify your identity. You simply show your passport to the webcam and answer a couple of questions. A call is much less painful than having to go to your local post office to send copies of your passport.

Every time you use your card, you can open the app a few seconds later to see the transaction right here on your statement

After that, you will receive a debit card that works in all MasterCard ATMs and shops. So far, Number26 doesn’t seem very different from traditional online banks in Europe.

But this is when it gets interesting. Number26 focuses a lot of its attention on the user experience of the mobile app. In addition to being a beautiful app, there are a few interesting features that make the app stand out of the crowd.

First, transactions show up in real time. Every time you use your card, you can open the app a few seconds later to see the transaction right on your statement.

“When you look at a MasterCard transaction, all of these transactions have an online authentication,” Stalf said. “The terminal contacts the MasterCard cloud and the cloud network tells that this card number is linked to this processing company. We see what’s happening with the processing company in real time, because this transaction needs to be authorized.”

Other banks could technically do the same and display transactions in real time. But it’s more difficult for them to implement these features due to their existing infrastructure.

You can also open the app and block your card with a simple button. But if you find your card a few minutes later, you can simply unblock it. You don’t need to wait and receive a new card.

If you lend your card to a friend that you don’t really trust, you can also block ATM transactions for let’s say an hour. Whenever you get your card back, you can unblock ATM transactions in the app. Everything works in real time.

Finally, Number26 added a few financial tools in its mobile app. For example, you will see how much money you spend at restaurants or clothing stores. It’s very reminiscent of Mint, but Mint is only available in the U.S. and Canada.

And then, there are all the reasons why you wouldn’t trust a startup to manage your money. Once again, it works a lot like Simple.

“Because we need a banking license, in the background, we have a banking partner,” Stalf said. “The money sits in this bank. Regulators require us to do that. And on the other end, because it’s a German banking license, all the amounts are insured until something like 6 million euros.

While the startup is based in Berlin, a German banking license lets you operate in other European markets. So far, the company accepts clients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. But it will be very easy to scale to more European countries in the future.

For the end user, there is no card fee for EUR payments, and no service fee for your account. Number26 takes a cut of every MasterCard transaction. Its partner bank will also invest the money sitting in the bank accounts. All of this is transparent for the end user.

In the future, the startup will add new features to make the product more compelling. For instance, Number26 plans to add overdraft and savings options. It is also looking into building a corporate solution as well.

You can also expect innovative futures that you won’t find in your existing banking app. For example, the company wants to use your smartphone’s geolocation to compare it with the location of your card transactions. This way, Number26 can detect suspicious activity and ask you to accept or block a transaction.

In the long run, the company wants to integrate other fintech startups directly into your Number26 account. “We could integrate TransferWise for international transfers for example,” Stalf said. “The idea is to be the connector for finance startups.”

The team of 17 has raised $2.6 million so far (€2 million) from Earlybird Venture Capital, Redalpine Venture Partners, Axel Springer Plug and Play Accelerator. It will be hard to convince conservative customers and compete with traditional banks and their advertising money, but Number26 definitely has a chance when it comes to creating the best banking experience in Europe.


Judges: Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst), Jon Bradford (Techstars), Bindi Karia (Silicon Valley Bank), Brenden Mulligan (Cluster).

Question: Your app is gorgeous. There has to be a major pain point that you are solving to make people switch. How did you find that real time data was a pain point?

Question: The relationship with the regulator is complicated. How do you do it?
Answer: We have a banking partner in Germany. We’re doing much more than using their technology. And we can do video conference calls to verify customers all over Europe.

Question: What’s the plan for making money?
Answer: We have two short term revenue streams. But we have long term plans as well, becoming a fintech hub.

Boosting wearable technology adoption rates


AT&T (NYSE:T) and T-Mobile (NYSE:TMUS) are on the verge of releasing a new wireless network feature that will allow their customers to use one phone number on multiple devices.

AT&T’s calling its new technology NumberSync, and says the first device with the feature will be released soon, with more to come over the holiday season. T-Mobile hasn’t said when its version of NumberSync will launch, but told Re/Code last week that it’ll be better than AT&T’s feature. (I guess we just have to take T-Mobile’s word for it for now.)  After AT&T and T-Mobile spilled the beans, Sprint piped up and said that it’s „exploring“ the idea, but has yet to lay out any specifics publicly.

At face value, the ability to use one phone number across multiple devices may not seem like game-changer, but there are a couple of key reasons why the wireless industry is moving in this direction.

Make way for wearables
One of the most important reasons why carriers would want to add this feature is to make it easier for customers to add wearable devices to their networks.

On AT&T’s consumer blog, Chief Marketing Officer David Christopher wrote that, „This means in the future you’ll be able to send and receive texts, as well as make and receive calls, from your tablet or wearable using the same number that your family, friends and colleagues recognize. This will work when your smartphone isn’t with you, nearby or even powered on.“

While not all wearables have their own cellular connections, it’s an inevitable progression for the technology. A handful of smart watches already sport cellular connectivity, like the LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition, and more are on the way.

Lg Watch Urbane
These Urbane 2nd Edition smart watches boast LTE connections. Source: LG.

By 2020, tech companies will ship an estimated 155 million wearable devices worldwide. T-Mobile and AT&T are simply getting their networks ready now, so that they can handle the demand later.

More connections equal more money
Of course, the big incentive for carriers to promote wearable adoption is the additional revenue those devices would help them generate. AT&T sells its family data plans as bundled packages, and already charges $10 a month to add network capabilities to a wearable device.

AT&T says it won’t charge for its NumberSync feature, so it likely plans to make money from its per-device charge. That’s a pretty good deal for the carrier, considering that once the technology is up and running, it can boost average revenue per user simply by having customers pay the additional fees to connect their wearables to the network.

T-Mobile doesn’t charge a per-line fee for additional devices right now, and may simply add the new shared phone number feature to the its long list of freebies. But that doesn’t mean it won’t benefit financially.

When customers connect their wearables to their cellular networks, they’ll likely use more data. Right now, the average wireless customer uses about 2.5 GB of data per month, but, with the help of wearables, that number is expected to increase to 14 GB in about five years. All of that extra data usage will eventually translate into more revenue for the carriers. According to SNS Research, wearables will add an additional $71 billion in worldwide carrier revenue by 2020.

While AT&T and T-Mobile will be the first to roll out the option of sharing one phone number between a smartphone and a wearable device, Sprint and Verizon Communications are likely close behind. But with huge wearable tech growth on the way, all the carriers should benefit.


Gemeinsam erfolgreich: Charaktere, die jedes Team braucht


Erfolg ist immer eine Teamleistung. Und ein solches Team zusammenzustellen, ist gar nicht so einfach. Aber es gibt Charaktere, die tun wirklich jedem Unternehmen gut – vor allem im Zusammenspiel. Das sind sie.

Das Team, das gewinnt

„Never change a winnig team“, wie es so schön heißt. Aber, wie stellt man ein solches Team überhaupt zusammen? Nun, wer ein stabiles Team haben will, das sich gegenseitig stützt und zeitgleich voranbringt, der braucht bei der Einstellung ein wenig Fingerspitzengefühl. Welche Eigenschaften brauchen wir noch? Welche Hard und Soft Skills tun uns gut? Wie findet sich ein Zusammenspiel, das wirklich ein fruchtbares Ergebnis zur Folge hat. Und vor allem: Wie findet sich ein Team zusammen, in dem sich alle wohlfühlen? Denn, wie wichtig das ist, beantwortet sich damit, wie viel Zeit wir mit diesen Menschen verbringen: Sehr viel.

All das ist sicherlich zu weiten Teilen nur individuell zu beantworten – und doch gibt es ein paar Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten, die jedem Team gut tun. Gwen Moran hat für Fast Company die fünf Charaktere aufgelistet, die jeder Chef unter sich scharen sollte. Das haben wir uns natürlich mal genauer angesehen! Erkennt ihr euch und eure Kollegen wieder, oder besteht hier noch Einstellungsbedarf?

Diese „Fantastic Five“ braucht es für Zusammenhalt und Produktivität

1. Das Medium

Es gibt diese Menschen, die schnell die Fähigkeit haben, den größeren Zusammenhang der Dinge zu verstehen und so auch wissen, welche Menschen es für die Umsetzung braucht. Sie sammeln Informationen und wägen dann erst einmal ab, bevor sie den nächsten Schritt tun. Sie selbst sind dabei gerne Teil des Geschehens, aber neigen auch dazu introvertiert zu sein und die Szenerie erst einmal zu beobachten, um sie für sich einzuordnen. Sie lieben es, andere zusammenzubringen und sind empathisch – und genau diese Sensibilität verleiht ihnen die Fähigkeit, die Bedürfnisse des Teams und die Notwendigkeiten für das Lösen einer Aufgabe auszuloten. Diese Menschen können andere motivieren und sind wichtig für den Zusammenhalt im Team.

2. Der Innovator

Der oder die Innovatorin ist stets auf der Suche nach neuen Lösungsansätzen – und deshalb eine wichtige, weil kreative Persönlichkeit, die es braucht, wenn man mal feststeckt, weil die üblichen Muster nicht anwendbar sind. Sie haben meist einen neuen Blickwinkel parat und haben ebenso den Anspruch, bereits erprobte Lösungswege zu verbessern und effizienter zu gestalten. Sie sind also die, die den Weg für neues bereiten und frischen Wind in bereits Vorhandenes bringen.

3. Der Fürsprecher

Wir alle brauchen gelegentlich jemand, der uns den Rücken stärkt. Der oder die Fürsprecherin kann für sich selbst einstehen – aber eben auch für andere. Und das tun sie auch, wenn sie denken, sie oder ihr Gegenüber haben etwas verdient, was sie nicht bekommen, oder aber brauchen Gehör, für etwas, das für das Gefüge wichtig ist. Sie haben stets einen guten Blick für die Vorgänge im Unternehmen und vor allem auf das, was im eigenen Team vor sich geht und helfen dann dabei, dass eine Situation geschaffen wird, in der jeder sein Potential ausleben kann. Und genau das macht sie so wichtig für das Weiterkommen des Einzelnen und damit auch des Unternehmens.

4. Der Brückenbauer

Der oder die Brückenbauerin sind wichtige Menschen, wenn es um den Ausbau von Netzwerken geht. Sie haben viele Informationen, wissen, wo sie neue bekommen und können diese in entsprechende Richtung weiterleiten – oder aber die betreffenden Personen gleich zusammenbringen. Sie haben die Fähigkeit, Situationen schnell zu durchdenken und erkennen, wer oder was nun Hilfe leisten könnte. So sind sie nicht nur ideal, um Teammitglieder zu unterstützen, sondern schaffen mit ihrem Netzwerk auch einen idealen Boden für die großen Aufgaben innerhalb des Unternehmens.

5. Der Pionier

Wenn neue Ideen hermüssen, dann braucht es einen Pionier oder eine Pionierin. Pioniere schauen in der Regel vor und nicht zurück, sie sehen das, was vor ihnen liegt – oder auch, was vor ihnen liegen könnte und finden Lösungen um dorthin zukommen. Sie haben die Fähigkeit, Probleme differenziert zu betrachten, sie in ihre Einzelteile zu zerlegen und sie dann so zusammenzusetzen, dass ein Lösungsweg sichtbar wird. Aber ebenso können sie auch das Große und Ganze betrachten, statt sich im Kleinteiligen zu verlieren  – und machen sich dann auch an die Umsetzung, statt lange zu diskutieren. Eben das macht sie so wertvoll, um die täglichen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.“

BMW builds Worlds‘ First Autonomous Self Driving Drifting Car

The Ultimate Drifting Machine. BMW 2 series M235i

Enhanced Safety and precision at the vehicle’s limits with highly automated driving


BMW is showing off a modified 2-Series Coupe and 6-Series Gran Coupe that can race around a track at the limits of adhesion, and slide around corners like a throttle-happy Formula Drift ace.

Both cars are outfitted with a LIDAR system, 360-degree radar, ultrasonic sensors, and cameras that track the environment. Partnered with the electronic braking, throttle, and steering control that’s standard on all new BMWs, the prototypes can run through a high-speed slalom, perform precise lane changes, and slide around corners, without any driver intervention.

eSIM und die veränderte Rolle der etablierten Mobilfunk-Unternehmen


Darum könnten Mobilfunkanbieter in Zukunft überflüssig werden

In Zukunft wird mobiles Internet so selbstverständlich wie der Strom aus der Steckdose. Gut für die Nutzer, schlecht für die Mobilfunkanbieter, die immer austauschbarer werden.

Darum könnten Mobilfunkanbieter in Zukunft überflüssig werden
(Foto: © Ralf Kalytta –

Mobilfunkanbieter werden austauschbar

Weltweit gibt es sieben Milliarden Mobilfunkanschlüsse, davon in Deutschland 112 Millionen . Tendenz steigend. Läuft es also gut bei den Mobilfunkanbietern? Nur für den Moment. In Zukunft werden sie austauschbar, denn schon heute unterscheiden sie sich im Prinzip nur durch Preis, Datenvolumen und Netzabdeckung voneinander. Zusatzdienste, die zu den Anfängen des Mobilfunks für die Nutzer noch eine Rolle spielten, haben keine Bedeutung mehr. In Zeiten von WhatsApp oder iMessage brauchen Nutzer keine teuren SMS-Pakete mehr. Auch die Telefonie wird unwichtiger, was zählt ist die Datenverbindung.

Over-The-Top-Dienste (OTT) wie Skype, WhatsApp, iMessage und Co. legen kontinuierlich zu, während die klassischen Kommunikationsdienste wie Telefonie oder SMS in der Nutzung sinken. Laut der Bundesnetzagentur lag die mobile Datennutzung 2014 im Monatsmittel bei 288 Megabyte und damit viermal so hoch wie noch 2011. Mobil telefoniert wurde in Deutschland 2014 im Monat nur noch knapp 80 Minuten. Drastisch eingebrochen ist auch die SMS-Nutzung : von 60 Milliarden SMS im Jahr 2012 blieben 2014 nur noch 22,5 Milliarden übrig.

Mobilfunkanbieter auf dem Weg zum Technologie-Anbieter. (Quelle: © Ralf Kalytta –

Die Kluft zwischen Nutzer und Mobilfunkanbieter wird größer

Gleichzeitig wird die Kluft zwischen Nutzer und Mobilfunkbetreiber immer Größer, wie die Umfrage des Marktforschungsinstituts für Servicequalität zeigt. Das Gesamturteil für die Mobilfunkbranche ist nur befriedigend und an erster Stelle stehen bei der Kundenzufriedenheit die Mobilfunkdiscounter. Die Netzbetreiber Telefonica, Telekom oder Vodafone bilden das Schlusslicht. Die qualitativen Unterschiede zwischen den Netzbetreibern, anfänglich noch deutlich größer, werden immer geringer.

„Es gibt kein wirklich schlechtes Mobilfunknetz mehr.“

Es gibt kein wirklich schlechtes Mobilfunknetz mehr, was auch zur Wechselfreudigkeit beiträgt. Dank der Möglichkeit der Mitnahme der Rufnummer sinkt die Bindung zu einem bestimmten Mobilfunkanbieter. Obwohl die Kluft zum Kunden immer größer wird, unternimmt die Branche viel zu wenig, um den Kunden zu binden. Auf den demografischen Wandel der Nutzer und die damit einhergehende Veränderungen im Nutzungsverhalten wird mit den falschen Maßnahmen reagiert. Die steigende Beliebtheit von Messaging-Diensten wie WhatsApp wurde anfänglich belächelt, bis dann vier Jahre nach dem Start von WhatsApp & Co der zaghafte Versuch unternommen wurde, mit der App Joyn eine Alternative zu bieten. Erfolglos, schaut man sich das Ranking im App-Store und der Anzahl der Bewertungen an.Gleichzeitig untersagen die Mobilfunkanbieter in ihren AGB die Nutzung von Diensten wie P2P (Peer-to-Peer), Instant Messaging oder VoIP (Voice over IP). Kein Problem hat man damit, Streaming-Dienste wie beispielsweise Spotify von der Berechnung des Datenvolumens auszuschließen. Mit Netzneutralität hat das nur noch wenig zu tun. Hauptsache der Rubel rollt. Statt sich auf den Nutzer zu fokussieren, wird selbiger lieber gemolken. So sind in kaum einem anderen Land die Kosten für mobiles Internet so hoch wie in Deutschland. Ist in Finnland ein Inklusiv-Volumen von 50 Gigabyte üblich, steht Deutschland mit einem Gigabyte hinter Italien, Tschechien oder Spanien und nur knapp vor Ungarn. Finde den Fehler.

Twin Design /
Der SMS-Killer. WhatsApp läutete den Untergang der SMS ein (Quelle: Twin Design /

Zukunft der Mobilfunkanbieter ist düster

Die Liste der gescheiterten Unternehmungen, eigene Dienste zu etablieren, ist lang. Messaging, Musik-Streaming oder Mobile Payment, allesamt eher klägliche Versuche beim Nutzer zu punkten. Der Zugriff auf den Kunden wird in Zukunft weiter sinken, denn gemeinsam mit der GSM-Association, dem Verband der Mobilfunknetzbetreiber, verhandeln Samsung und Apple über die Einführung der eSim. Bei der eSIM handelt es sich um eine fest verbaute Sim-Karte, auf die jeder Mobilfunkbetreiber aufgeschaltet werden kann. Kunden brauchen in Zukunft keine Sim-Karte mehr für das Smartphone, sondern können sofort loslegen.

Der Wechsel zwischen den Mobilfunkanbietern wird damit entsprechend vereinfacht, da der lästige Wechsel der Sim-Karte entfällt. Die Hoheit der eSim liegt beim Hardware-Hersteller, also bei Apple und Samsung. Das heißt, dass sowohl Apple als auch Samsung einen Mobilfunkbetreiber anbieten, aber eben auch ausschließen können. Mobilfunkanbieter, die besonders restriktiv gegenüber bestimmten Onlinediensten sind, könnten einfach seitens der Smartphone-Hersteller ausgeschlossen werden. Mit der eSim geht ein weiterer Baustein in der Kundenbeziehung für die Mobilfunkanbieter verloren. Und es bröckelt weiter, denn Apple bietet, zunächst nur in den USA, das iPhone als Abo-Modell an.

Für einen Betrag von 39 US-Dollar kann das iPhone gemietet werden und der Kunde bekommt automatisch immer das neueste Gerät. Das Gleiche bietet Samsung auch an und andere Hersteller werden folgen. Mit neuen Smartphones gekoppelt an eine Vertragsverlängerung können die Mobilfunkanbieter künftig also auch nicht mehr locken. Die nicht abreißenden Gerüchte, Apple wolle ein VMNO, ein virtueller Mobilfunkanbieter werden, dürften bei den etablierten Mobilfunkbetreibern nur so mittelgut ankommen. Ganz abgesehen von Projekten wie Googles Loon, dessen Ziel nichts geringeres ist, als die Welt mit Internet auszustatten.

Sri Lanka ist das erste Land, welches mit Hilfe von Google Loon einen landesweiten universellen Internetzugang über WLAN bekommt. Auch wenn Sri Lanka nur eine Insel und nicht Europa ist, sieht man, wohin die Reise bei Google geht. Für Unternehmen wie Google, Facebook oder Apple ist mobiles Internet die Basis für alle Produkte. Die Abhängigkeit von Mobilfunkprovidern ist, wie man am gerade von Google gestarteten Accelerated-Mobile-Pages-Project sehen kann, ein Problem.

Project Loon soll im Dezember in Australien getestet werden. (Foto: Google)
Project Loon als Gefahr für den klassischen Mobilfunk? (Foto: Google)


Die Frage ist nicht, ob es die Mobilfunkanbieter in Zukunft noch geben wird, sondern viel mehr welche Rolle sie spielen werden. Die Bindung zum Kunden geht zunehmend an Unternehmen wie Apple, Google, Facebook oder Amazon verloren. Ein Ökosystem, wo Kunden Lösungen aus einer Hand bekommen, die nahtlos mit einander funktionieren, ist heute essentiell. Apple, Google, Facebook und Amazon haben das erkannt und bieten genau das: einzelne Lösungen aus einer Hand für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle mit Fokussierung auf den Nutzer.

Im Mobilfunk wird das vernachlässigt und es fehlen innovative Ideen und Lösungen. Themen werden entweder zu spät oder nicht nutzerzentriert angegangen, wie man an den Entwicklungen im Bereich Mobile Payment sehen kann. Anstatt sich mit den Kundenbedürfnissen zu beschäftigen, steht am Anfang das Geschäftsmodell. Am Ende bleibt nur noch die Rolle des Technologie-Anbieters, die in etwa so spannend ist wie Strom aus der Steckdose. Gar nicht.


accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data can create a serious privacy breach



International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 272916, 11 pages
Research Article

A Study of Mobile Sensing Using Smartphones

School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 611731, China

Received 8 December 2012; Accepted 15 January 2013

Academic Editor: Chao Song

Copyright © 2013 Ming Liu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Traditional mobile sensing-based applications use extra equipments which are unrealistic for most users. Smartphones develop in a rapid speed in recent years, and they are becoming indispensable carry-on of daily life. The sensors embedded in them provide various possibilities for mobile applications, and these applications are helping and changing the way of our living. In this paper, we analyze and discuss existing mobile applications; after that, future directions are pointed out.

1. Introduction

The word sensing builds a bridge between real world and virtual world; with the help of various sensors, man-made devices are able to feel the world like God-made creatures do. Bell may be the first generation of sensors; people tie up a bell to a string so that when there is a vibration on the string, the bell will ring. Bell is a very powerful and effective sensor; it contains two parts: detection and processing. When a bell detects a vibration, it will generate a period of ringing and the volume of the ringing is proportional to the amplitude of the vibration. However, bell is the kind of sensor that connects real world to real world. With the development of electronic devices, a new man-made world has been building. This world is called virtual world; many complicated calculations are running in this world so that people in real world can enjoy their lives. Virtual world needs data to keep running, and it is far from enough to input data into the virtual world depending on human operations. Sensor is a way to sense the world and interpret the sensed information to the data form of the virtual world; therefore, sensing becomes an important part of research field and industry field.

Early sensing-based applications are mostly used for research purposes or used in some specific areas. References [1, 2] propose localization methods for finding odor sources using gas sensors and anemometric sensors. Reference [3] uses a number of sensors embedded into a cyclist’s bicycle to gather quantitative data about the cyclist’s rides; this information would be useful for mapping the cyclist experience. Reference [4] uses body-worn sensors to build an activity recognition system, and [5] uses body-worn sensors for healthcare monitoring. Reference [6] proposes a robotic fish carrying sensors for mobile sensing. Also, in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), there are a lot of sensing-based applications. References [7, 8] deploy wireless sensors to track the movement of mobile objects. References [9, 10] deploy sensors for monitoring volcano.

People-centric sensing mentioned in [11] uses smartphones for mobile sensing. Smartphones are very popular and becoming indispensable carry-on for people in recent years; they are embedded with various sensors which could be used for many interesting applications. Unlike specific sensors which are used for specific areas, sensors in smartphones could provide unlimited possibilities for applications to help and change the life of people; also, using smartphone instead of specific equipment makes an application easier to be accepted by users.

In this paper, we will discuss some existing interesting sensing-based applications using smartphones and give some possible future directions. Section 2 gives detailed descriptions of sensors embedded in modern smartphones; Section 3 introduces some sensing-based applications; Section 4 gives a conclusion and future directions.

2. Sensors in Smartphones

As Figure 1 shows, modern smartphones have several kinds of sensors. The most popular sensors which most smartphones have are accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, microphone, and camera. In this section, we will discuss the characteristics of the sensors.

Figure 1: Sensors inside of smartphones.
2.1. Accelerometer

An accelerometer measures proper acceleration, which is the acceleration it experiences relative to free fall and is the acceleration felt by people and objects. To put it another way, at any point in spacetime the equivalence principle guarantees the existence of a local inertial frame, and an accelerometer measures the acceleration relative to that frame. Such accelerations are popularly measured in terms of g-force [12].

The principle of accelerometer is using inertial force. Try to imagine a box with six walls, a ball is floating in the middle of the box because no force is added to the ball (e.g., the box may be in the outer space) [13]. When the box moves to the right direction, the ball will hit the left wall. The left wall is pressure sensitive that it can measure the force of hitting applied to the left wall; therefore, the acceleration can be measured. Because of gravity, when the box is placed at earth, the ball will keep pressing the bottom wall of the box and give constant ~9.8 m/s2 acceleration. The gravity force will affect the measurement of accelerometer for measuring speed or displacement of an object in a three-dimension. The gravity force must be subtracted before any measurement. However, the gravity force can be taken as an advantage of detecting the rotation of a device. When a user rotates his smartphone, the content he/she is watching will switch between portrait and landscape. As Figure 2shows, when the screen of smartphone is in a portrait condition, -axis will sense the gravity; when the screen of smartphone is in a landscape condition, -axis will sense the gravity. According to this, users can rotate their screens without affecting their reading experiences.

Figure 2: Screen rotation.

In theory, the displacement can be calculated aswhere : displacement, : initial displacement, : initial velocity, and : acceleration.

Equation (1) is a continuous function; the we get in real environment is discrete due to sampling. To calculate the displacement according to discrete values, (2) has to be used aswhere : continuous acceleration, : th sample, and : time increment.

Then, the velocity and displacement can be calculated as the following [14]:

The value the accelerometer returns is three-dimensional as Figure 2 shows; therefore, will be calculated as the following shows:where , and are vectors.

2.2. Gyroscope

Accelerometer is good at measuring the displacement of an object; however, it is inaccurate to measure the spin movement of the device, which is an easy thing for gyroscope.

A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of angular momentum. Mechanically, a gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disk in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. Although this orientation does not remain fixed, it changes in response to an external torque much lesser and in a different direction than it would be without the large angular momentum associated with the disk’s high rate of spin and moment of inertia. The device’s orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform’s motion because mounting the device in a gimbal minimizes external torque [15].

Gyroscope is a very sensitive device; it is good at detecting the spin movement. Same as accelerometer, gyroscope returns three-dimensional values; the coordinate system is as Figure 2 shows. The value gyroscope returns is angular velocity which indicates how fast the device rotates around the axes. The gyroscope can be calculated aswhere : angular velocity and : vectors of angular velocity around x-, y-, and z-axes.

2.3. Magnetometer

A magnetometer is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength and perhaps the direction of magnetic fields [16]. Accelerometer and gyroscope are able to detect the direction of a movement; however, the direction is a relative direction; it obeys the coordinate system that a smartphone uses. Sometimes, different smartphones need to synchronize their directions; therefore, a magnetometer is needed to get an absolute direction (the direction obeys the coordinate system of earth).

The magnetometer returns three-dimensional values; if the device is placed horizontally, the orientation angle can be calculated as

Until now, we introduced three types of sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. With the help of the three types of sensors, smartphone can estimate its own all kind of movements. However, in real environment, errors of measurement happen all the time; we will talk about a way to correct the offset error of magnetometer, and the other two sensors may use the same way to correct their errors.

Firstly, place the magnetometer horizontally, rotate it in a uniform speed, measure the value of and , put axis horizontally, and rotate to measure the value . Calculate the offset value on the three axes as

2.4. Microphones

Microphone is a very common sensor; it is usually used for recording sound. The problem is how to deal with the recorded sound. The most common way is to find a known period of sound in a sound record. Cross-correlation is a method to search a piece of signal in a mixed signal [17]. In signal processing, cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time lag applied to one of them. This is also known as a sliding dot product or sliding inner product. It is commonly used for replacing a long signal for a shorter ones, which is known feature. It also has applications in pattern recognition, single particle analysis, electron tomographic averaging, cryptanalysis, and neurophysiology [18].

Cross-correlation can be calculated as (8) shows. Suppose that the known symbol pattern of sound wave of turn signal is of length is the complex number representing the received symbol, then the cross-correlation at a shift position is

If we use a sound wave to cross-correlate itself, for example, the sound wave as Figure 3 shows, the result will be shown as in Figure 4. The spike indicates the existence of a piece of signal.

Figure 3: A sound record of turn signal of automobile.
Figure 4: Cross-correlation.
2.5. Camera

Camera captures vision information from real world. From the human perspective, vision contains most information we get. However, pattern recognition in computer area is not mature enough to work as human does. In this section, we will briefly introduce principle the pattern recognition.

A photo the camera records can be expressed as a matrix of light intensity of each pixel (here we take the grey-mode photo as an example). Suppose that the source matrixes (or as we call them dictionary) are, as the matrix needed to be recognized is , then the pattern recognition is proceeded as (9) shows. matrix in the dictionary is the result:

Pattern recognition is far more complicated than (9); there are many good algorithms in pattern recognition area, like SIFT [1923] and SVM [2429]. But the recognition rate is still not good enough for practical applications.

3. Applications

In this section, we will introduce a few interesting sensing-based applications using smartphones. We divide the applications we are going to discuss into two categories: accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer; microphone and camera.

3.1. Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer
3.1.1. Trace Track

Searching people in a public place is difficult; for example, a person is in a conference hall, a library, or a shopping mall, there are many crowds around, it is very difficult to find the target person. Even if the person tells you where he/she is, it is frustrating to find the place in an unfamiliar environment. Maps may be helpful but not always handy. Smartphones provide possibilities to develop an electronic escort service using opportunistic user intersections. Through periodically learning the walking trails of different individuals, as well as how they encounter each other in space time, a route can be computed between any pair of persons [30]. The escort system could guide a user to the vicinity of a desired person in a public place. Escort does not rely on GPS, WiFi, or war driving to locate a person—the escort user only needs to follow an arrow displayed on the phone [30].

Escort system presents an interest idea that a smartphone is an escort which tells you how many steps you walk and which direction you are heading to [30], see Figure 5(a). GPS is a way to achieve the idea; however, GPS cannot work in an indoor environment; WiFi localization is a good indoor localization method; however, it cannot guarantee, there are enough WiFi fingerprints for localization. Escort system uses accelerometer and gyroscope to achieve the idea. However, the displacement calculated based on accelerometer is inaccurate; the reasons are the jerky movement of smartphone in people’s pocket and inherent error of measurement [3133]; the displacement error may reach 100 m after 30 m walk, see Figure 5(b). Escort identifies an acceleration signature in human walking patterns to avoid the problem. This signature arises from the natural up- and down-bounces of the human body while walking and can be used to count the number of steps walked [30]. The physical displacement can then be computed by multiplying step count with the user’s step size which is, a function of the user’s weight and height [30], see Figure 5(c). Escort varies the step size with an error factor drawn from a Gaussian distribution centered on 0 and standard deviation 0.15 m [30]. This better accommodates the varying human step size [30].

Figure 5: (a) Accelerometer readings (smoothened) from a walking user. (b) Displacement error with double integration for two users. (c) Error with step count method.

Compass (magnetometer) is also used in the escort system. Like accelerometer has measurement errors, the compass noise is caused by several factors, including user sway, movement irregularities, magnetic fields in the surroundings, and the sensor’s internal bias. Because these factors are related to the user, surroundings, and the sensor, the noise is difficult to predict and compensate. To characterize the compass noise, escort ran 100 experiments using 2 Nokia 6210 Navigator phones and has observed an average bias of 8 degrees and a standard deviation of 9 degrees [30]. In addition to this large noise range, escort made two consistent observations as follows: when the user is walking in a constant direction, the compass readings stabilize quickly on a biased value and exhibit only small random oscillations, and after each turn, a new bias is imposed [30]. Escort identifies two states of the user: walking in a constant direction and turning based on the two observations. Turns are identified when the compass headings change more significantly than due to random oscillations. The turn identification algorithm uses the following condition [30]:where denotes the average compass readings over a time period (e.g., 1 second), is the standard deviation of compass readings during , and is a guard factor. While on a constant direction, escort compensates the stabilized compass reading with the average bias and reports the resulting value as the direction of the user. During turns, escort considers the sequence of readings reported by the compass [30].

Similar usage of accelerometer and magnetometer appears in [34]. It uses accelerometer to estimate the walking trace of people and correct the trace periodically by GPS. Accelerometer used as a supplement of GPS localization is a popular way, and many researches focused on this [3540].

Smartphone is not only used on walking people but also on people on vehicles.

3.1.2. Dangerous Drive

When drivers are sitting in a vehicle, their smartphones are able to measure the acceleration, velocity, and turns through sensors embedded. Because the smartphone is very popular, using smartphone is an easy way to implement mobile sensing.

Driving style can be divided into two categories: nonaggressive and aggressive. To study the vehicle safety system, we need to understand and recognize the driving events. Potentially aggressive driving behavior is currently a leading cause of traffic fatalities in the United States, and drivers are unaware that they commit potentially aggressive actions daily [41]. To increase awareness and promote driver safety, a novel system that uses Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and smartphone-based sensor fusion (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, GPS, and video) to detect, recognize, and record these actions without external processing being proposed [41].

The system collects the motion data from the the accelerometer and gyroscope in the smartphone continuously at a rate of 25 Hz in order to detect specific dangerous driving behaviors. Typical dangerous driving behaviors are hard left and right turns, swerves, and sudden braking and acceleration patterns. These dangerous driving behaviors indicate potentially aggressive driving that would cause danger to both pedestrians and other drivers. The system first determines when a dangerous behavior starts and ends using endpoint detection. Once the system has a signal representing a maneuver, it is possible to compare it to stored maneuvers (templates) to determine whether or not it matches an aggressive event [41].

References [4244] use accelerometer and gyroscope for driving event recognition. Reference [42] includes two single-axis accelerometers, two single-axis gyroscopes, and a GPS unit (for velocity) attached to a PC for processing. While the system included gyroscopes for inertial measurements, they were not used in the project. Hidden Markov Models (HMM) were trained and used only on the acceleration data for the recognition of simple driving patterns. Reference [43] used accelerometer data from a mobile phone to detect drunk driving patterns through windowing and variation threshold. A Driver Monitor System was created in [44] to monitor the driving patterns of the elderly. This system involved three cameras, a two-axis accelerometer, and a GPS receiver attached to a PC. The authors collected large volumes of data for 647 drivers. The system had many components, one of them being detection of erratic driving using accelerometers. Braking and acceleration patterns were detected, as well as high-speed turns via thresholding. Additionally, the data could be used to determine the driving environment (freeway versus city) based on acceleration patterns.

References [4547] use accelerometer and gyroscope to detect gesture recognition. The uWave paper [47] and the gesture control work of Kela et al. [48] explore gesture recognition using DTW and HMM algorithm,s respectively. They both used the same set of eight simple gestures which included up, down, left, right, two opposing direction circles, square, and slanted 90-degree angle movements for their final accuracy reporting. Four of these eight gestures are one-dimensional in nature. The results proved that using DTW with one training sample was just as effective as HMMs.

3.1.3. Phone Hack

Accelerometer is so sensitive that it can even detect finger press at the screen of the smartphone. Reference [49] shows that the location of screen taps on modern smartphones and tablets can be identified from accelerometer and gyroscope readings. The findings have serious implications, as we demonstrate that an attacker can launch a background process on commodity smartphones and tablets, and silently monitor the user’s inputs, such as keyboard presses and icon taps [49]. While precise tap detection is nontrivial, requiring machine-learning algorithms to identify fingerprints of closely spaced keys, sensitive sensors on modern devices aid the process [49]. Reference [49] presents TapPrints, a framework for inferring the location of taps on mobile device touchscreens using motion sensor data combined with machine-learning analysis. By running tests on two different off-the-shelf smartphones and a tablet computer, the results show that identifying tap locations on the screen and inferring English letters could be done with up to 90% and 80% accuracy, respectively [49]. By optimizing the core tap detection capability with additional information, such as contextual priors, the core threat may further be magnified [49].

On both Android and iOS systems, location sensor like GPS is the only one which requires explicit user access permission, the reason probably is that people are not willing to be tracked and consider their locations information as privacy. But accelerometer and gyroscope sensors do not require explicit user permission on of the two mentioned operating systems. Because the sensors are mostly used for gaming, Android system does not restrict the access of accelerometer and gyroscope; background services with the two sensors are allowed. Moreover, there is work aimed at the standardization of JavaScript access to a device’s accelerometer and gyroscope sensors in order for any web application to perform, for example, website layout adaptation [49]. Reference [49] shows that accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data can create a serious privacy breach. In particular, it is demonstrated that it is possible to infer where people tap on the screen and what people type by applying machine-learning analysis to the stream of data from these two motion sensors. The reason the work focuses on the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors is that they are able to capture tiny device vibrations and angle rotations, respectively, with good precision [49].

Figure 6 shows a sample of the raw accelerometer data after a user has tapped on the screen—the timing of each tap marked by the digital pulses on the top line. As we can see, each tap generates perturbations in the accelerometer sensor readings on the three axes, particularly visible along the -axis, which is perpendicular to the phone’s display. Gyroscope data exhibits similar behavior and is not shown [49]. Some related works [5052] are also about using accelerometer and gyroscope for phone hacks.

Figure 6: The square wave in the top line identifies the occurrence of a tap. Two particular taps have also been highlighted by marking their boundaries with dashed vertical lines. Notice that the accelerometer sensor readings (on the -axis in particular) show very distinct patterns during taps. Similar patterns can also be observed in the gyroscope.
3.1.4. Phone Gesture

The first two sections are about using accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to detect a long-distance movement; actually, if the sensors are used to detect gestures, some interesting applications may appear.

The ability to note down small pieces of information, quickly and ubiquitously, can be useful. Reference [53] proposes a system called PhonePoint Pen that uses the in-built accelerometer in mobile phones to recognize human writing. By holding the phone like a pen, a user should be able to write short messages or even draw simple diagrams in the air. The acceleration due to hand gestures can be converted into an image and sent to the user’s Internet email address for future reference [53].

The work is done without gyroscope, because the smartphone it used lacks gyroscope. There are two main issues to be solved: coping with background vibration (noise); computing displacement of phone.

Accelerometers are sensitive to small vibrations. Figure 7(a) reports acceleration readings as the user draws a rectangle using 4 strokes (around −350 units on the -axis is due to earth’s gravity). A significant amount of jitter is caused by natural hand vibrations. Furthermore, the accelerometer itself has measurement errors. It is necessary to smooth this background vibration (noise) in order to extract jitter-free pen gestures. To cope with vibrational noise, the system smoothes the accelerometer readings by applying a moving average over the last nreadings (). The results are presented in Figure 7(b) (the relevant movements happen in the -plane, so we removed the -axis from the subsequent figures for better visual representation) [53].

Figure 7: (a) Raw accelerometer data while drawing a rectangle (note gravity on the -axis). (b) Accelerometer noise smoothing.

The phone’s displacement determines the size of the character. The displacement is computed as a double integral of acceleration, that is, , where is the instantaneous acceleration. In other words, the algorithm first computes the velocity (the integration of acceleration) followed by the displacement (the integration of velocity). However, due to errors in the accelerometer, the cumulative acceleration and deceleration values may not sum to zero even after the phone has come to rest. This offset translates into some residual constant velocity. When this velocity is integrated, the displacement and movement direction become erroneous. In order to reduce velocity-drift errors, the velocity to zero at some identifiable points needs to be reset. The stroke mechanism described earlier is therefore used. Characters are drawn using a set of strokes separated by short pauses. Each pause is an opportunity to reset velocity to zero and thus correct displacement. Pauses are detected by using a moving window over consecutive accelerometer readings () and checking if the standard deviation in the window is smaller than some threshold. This threshold is chosen empirically based on the average vibration caused when the phone was held stationary. All acceleration values during a pause are suppressed to zero. Figure 8(a) shows the combined effect of noise smoothing and suppression. Further, velocity is set to zero at the beginning of each pause interval. Figure 8(b) shows the effect of resetting the velocity. Even if small velocity drifts are still present, they have a small impact on the displacement of the phone [53].

Figure 8: (a) Accelerometer readings after noise smoothing and suppression. (b) Resetting velocity to zero in order to avoid velocity drifts.
3.2. Microphone and Camera
3.2.1. Surround Sense

There are some research works [5457] about using smartphones to sense the context of surroundings. A growing number of mobile computing applications are centered around the user’s location. The notion of location is broad, ranging from physical coordinates (latitude/longitude) to logical labels (like Starbucks, McDonalds). While extensive research has been performed in physical localization, there have been few attempts to recognize logical locations. Reference [57] argues that the increasing number of sensors on mobile phones presents new opportunities for logical localization. Reference [57] postulates that ambient sound, light, and color in a place convey a photoacoustic signature that can be sensed by the phone’s camera and microphone. In-built accelerometers in some phones may also be useful in inferring broad classes of user motion, often dictated by the nature of the place. By combining these optical, acoustic, and motion attributes, it may be feasible to construct an identifiable fingerprint for logical localization. Hence, users in adjacent stores can be separated logically, even when their physical positions are extremely close [57] see Figures 9 and 10.

Figure 9: Sound fingerprints from 3 adjacent stores.
Figure 10: Color/light fingerprint in the HSL format from the Bean Traders’ coffee shop. Each cluster is represented by a different symbol.

Reference [57] takes advantage of microphone and camera to collect the surrounding fingerprint so that it can provide logical localization.

3.2.2. Localization

References [5860] use audio for localization and the accuracy is improved to a high level. Reference [58] operates in a spontaneous, ad hoc, and device-to-device context without leveraging any preplanned infrastructure. It is a pure software-based solution and uses only the most basic set of commodity hardware—a speaker, a microphone, and some form of device-to-device communication—so that it is readily applicable to many low-cost sensor platforms and to most commercial-off-the-shelf mobile devices like cell phones and PDAs [58]. High accuracy is achieved through a combination of three techniques: two-way sensing, self-recording, and sample counting. To estimate the range between two devices, each will emit a specially designed sound signal (“Beep”) and collect a simultaneous recording from its microphone [58]. Each recording should contain two such beeps, one from its own speaker and the other from its peer [58]. By counting the number of samples between these two beeps and exchanging the time duration information with its peer, each device can derive the two-way time of flight of the beeps at the granularity of the sound sampling rate [58]. This technique cleverly avoids many sources of inaccuracy found in other typical time-of-arrival schemes, such as clock synchronization, non-real-time handling, and software delays [58].

Reference [58] sends beep sound to calculate the distance between two objects; the microphone will distinguish original sound and echo to get the time interval and, therefore, get a distance, see Figure 11.

Figure 11: Illustration of event sequences in BeepBeep ranging procedure. The time points are marked for easy explanation and no timestamping is required in the proposed ranging mechanism.

4. Discussions and Conclusion

Sensors are the key factors of developing more and more interesting applications on the smartphones, and the sensors make the smartphone different from traditional computing devices like computer. Most applications used accelerometer and gyroscope because they are somehow the most accurate sensors. However, the vision contains huge information. We believe that camera and pattern recognition will be used more and more in the future.


This work is supported by National Science Foundation under Grant nos. 61103226, 60903158, 61170256, 61173172, and 61103227 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant no. ZYGX2010J074 and ZYGX2011J102.


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Elon Musk: How I Became The Real ‚Iron Man‘ by transforming 3 industries

This is how Elon Musk transformed three industries and became the real Tony Stark.

Elon Musk, the entrepreneur who helped create PayPal, built America’s first viable fully electric car company, started the nation’s biggest solar energy supplier, and may make commercial space travel a reality in our lifetime (Documentation 2014)

Conversation with Elon Musk in Detroit on electric cars and rock bottom oil prices (2015)

Conversation with Elon Musk on SpaceX, Tesla and his personal life

This is the new Tesla Model X (2015)


Elon Musik playing video games in his Bel Air 7 Bedroom Mansion (2014)

Elon Musk launches Tesla Model X

Elon Musk debuts the long awaited Tesla Model X at a special launch event held at Tesla’s Fremont factory in front of lucky owners and members of the media. Elon unveils more details about the falcon wings opening mechanism which includes an innovative sonar sensor that goes through metal.

Elon Musk: „We try to be a leader in apocalyptic defense scenarios“

Lessons from Taylor Swift and her ‘raving fan culture’

Forget everything you think you know about Taylor Swift. She’s no longer a performer, singer, pop star or celebrity — strictly speaking. She is CEO and executive manager of the brand Taylor Swift. And she’s building it in a brilliant way.

No CEO under 30 since Mark Zuckerberg has successfully launched and maintained a consistent aura of excitement, engagement and growth more effectively than Swift. What’s her secret? She instinctually and innately keeps her fan base suspended in a constant state of hysteria through many of Tony Robbins’ 7 Strategies for Creating Raving Fans.

Give more than you promote

As profiled by the Los Angeles Times, Taylor Swift was born into a generation who came of age with social media and seamlessly integrate online communication within the full narrative of their relationships. But Swift is more than just adept at social trends and platforms; she makes direct and authentic connections with fans by casually replying to their posts, liking and favoriting their pictures and reposting their own selfies holding her album cover. As Matt Britton, CEO of youth maturing agency MRY, told the New York Times, „When you do that, you generate a kind of advocacy and excitement that no level of advertising could.“

She doesn’t use social for marketing, she uses it for mentioning. And it means everything to her fans.

Once these simple but lasting connections are made, fans feel more invested in her everyday life and activities, the way they would with any friend. Swift’s tweets and posts act as a delightful flip-side to the infamously brutal singe line, late-night email replies Steve Jobs would fire back at Apple fans.

Create unexpected surprises

Swift’s mastery of social media as a tool to add more value to her fans goes so much further than conversational replies and likes. In the weeks leading up to the launch of her, now, multi-platinum „1989“ album, she personally “Tay-lurked“ popular channels like Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter to read raw customer feedback, rewarding supporters with personal invitations to a “special Taylor Swift opportunity,” bringing fans into one of her several “Secret Sessions” pre-release listening events held at one of her own homes in Beverly Hills, Nashville, New York and Rhode Island.

Any company can throw a product pre-release bash, but Swift personally appeared at each of them, turning what could have been a publicity calculation into a casual hangout — sitting on the floor and informally talking through her inspirations and influences, as naturally as any 25-year-old would. The magnified social media outpouring from these events helped rocket her album debut sales to over one million on release.

“She has been able to take one person and spread herself out into millions of itty-bitty pieces of Taylor Swift and touch as many people as possible,” Mr. Britton said. “When you do that, you generate a kind of advocacy and excitement that no level of advertising could.”

Run your business in open transparency

Swift’s intuitive promotional style make headlines, but it’s her business moves that send waves through industry and spin headlines across international media. Having built a powerful public platform, she’s become renown for her ability to spotlight and create change for professional artists everywhere, regardless of fame or audience size. Many fans jokingly ask her over Twitter, to help save a canceled television show or to add features to Instagram. But this only underlines her ability to create real movement through messaging.

Most notably, she removed her entire catalog from Spotify’s streaming after issuing a public statement clearly written by her personally, rather than drafted by a PR firm.

„Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for. It’s my opinion that music should not be free, and my prediction is that individual artists and their labels will someday decide what an album’s price point is. I hope they don’t underestimate themselves or undervalue their art.“

In all issues of communication, from casual social media to press releases, Swift’s brand messages are entirely consistent in their openness and earnestness. This naturally became international news, fueling debates around royalty payments for artists everywhere. As reported by Time, artists on Spotify streaming earn on average less than one cent per play, or $0.006 and $0.0084.

She was only getting started. In what’s been heralded as the first significant sign of the post-Jobs Apple, Swift then released this statement challenging Apple Music’s launch policy to withhold payment to artists in exchange for the value of promotion:

„I’m sure you are aware that Apple Music will be offering a free 3 month trial to anyone who signs up for the service. I’m not sure you know that Apple Music will not be paying writers, producers, or artists for those three months. I find it to be shocking, disappointing, and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company.“

What’s shocking is how quickly Apple, under Tim Cook’s leadership, conceded. Within hours, one of the most profitable, successful and globally admired companies, in history, changed direction and agreed to pay streaming royalties. Her short showdown with Apple Music’s policies is an example of the leadership any CEO, owner or entrepreneur can incorporate — by thinking beyond self-interest to how can improve experience for others, you give your customers a reason to believe.

And when you make them believe in you they’ll always buy from you.

Always reward your best clients and give back

Her most powerful, surprising and genius move was also her most simple and heartfelt.

On December 31st, 2014, Swift released a low-fi, homemade video of herself wrapping gifts she’d personally chosen for a selection of her fans, in her own home. Intercut with the footage were real, raw fan reactions as they unwrapped the presents and read the hand-written notes, most hardly able to speak through tears of joy — receiving personal presents from Swift naturally caused the merriest of meltdowns. The video reaches an unexpected pinnacle as Swift then drives from New York to Connecticut to personally deliver gifts to one special fan and her young son. Rather than simply dropping off for a photo op, she spends time playing and visiting — all the action underscored by her newly released single.

The video, likely produced for less than the costs of the gifts, rebranded the holiday as „Swiftmas“ and naturally went viral. It immediately platformed up the media chain into a feel-good headline story, creating an extravaganza of free PR and marketing time as clips were played endlessly through mainstream news channels and media broadcasts. With not a penny spent on ad placement, PR or traditional marketing pushes.

For Swift, this move was effortless. Entirely congruent to her personality — heartfelt, earnest and generous. From a more calculated personality, a stunt like this could easily backfire and create cynicism or hostility. Instead, her fans celebrated, non-fans took notice and marketers reveled in her show of gentle force, all connecting with her ability to contribute to her fans’ experience and create joy.

The obvious question becomes — what will she do next?

A celebratory culture empowers employees and inspires a long term audience that vocalizes your message, recruits new customers and helps you generate greater sales. If you can create a culture of raving fans, congruously within your image, you will provide more value than anyone else in your field.

Swift falls in love with her fans, not her fame

The most expensive and consuming challenge for any business is acquiring new customers — so, conversely, the simplest solution is to continually serve that same customer while compelling them to recruit, rave and spread your story.

Any organization, leader or brand who can maintain a high level of customer loyalty will always overwhelm the competition though their consistent ability to anticipate, surprise and fulfill their audience’s needs at the most fundamental and personal levels. The most successful organizations remain so because consumers and clients adopt the brand identity into their own, through purchase, use, external signaling (logos, merchandise) and social events.

Discover new and entirely authentic ways to delight, empower and surprise your customers and watch as they become an audience of raving fans — like the thousands of stadiums of smiling faces cheering for Taylor Swift.

The wireless carriers will no longer be gatekeepers to their Customers

The wireless carriers will no longer be gatekeepers to their Customers

In tackling public safety networks, the company has created technology that lets companies freely bid on available wireless infrastructure, and it hopes to bring this to the wireless networks the rest of us use.

In other words, it wants to create a truly free market for wireless service, one in which companies like Apple and Google bid for the use of services from Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and beyond.

Such a market would work much like the electricity market works today. “Basically, supply and demand meet and a price is set,” says Ganley. The end result: consumers can move freely among networks. “Apple and Google and others are already experimenting with this kind of thing, and you will see this continue,” Ganley says. “The wireless carriers will no longer be gatekeepers to others. They will be something else. And those others will be able to come in and compete.”

That would be an enormous change. Yes, phones can “roam” between networks. If you use AT&T at home in San Francisco, you can hop on another network when you visit London. But AT&T controls where you can roam and how much you’re charged. Plus, you can’t roam on networks that don’t use the same type of wireless network AT&T uses. Simply put, Rivada aims to provide unfettered roaming. All wireless services would become one thing, much like the power grid is one thing.

Better Coverage, Lower Prices

Such an “open access” network would significantly reduce the power and the profile of the big-name wireless carriers, but it would provide better coverage and lower prices for consumers, says Peter Cramton, a University of Maryland economics professor who recently co-authored a paper exploring this very idea. (Although Rivada sponsored the paper, Cramton says it only reflects his opinions and those of his co-author, Linda Doyle, of the University of Dublin).

“This idea has legs, and in fact, it’s inevitable,” he says. “This can take advantage of the existing infrastructure of the current incumbent carriers and allow things happen in a much more economic and faster way. It can transform an oligopoly market into an Internet ecosystem, where anyone with a good idea can enter.”

Under this model, wireless carriers auction off access to their infrastructure, and then companies bid according to what they think they’ll need in the months or years to come. If those needs change, companies could even bid in near realtime. Apple could bid. Google could bid. And so could wireless carriers themselves. Verizon, for instance, could not only offering its own infrastructure to the auction, but bid on the infrastructure of other carriers as well. “This is very much a two-sided market,” Cramton explains.

Feeling the Effects

Of course, the biggest carriers will likely resist such a model. But in the long run, they’d acquiesce. “AT&T and Verizon, the dominant incumbents in the US, will not have incentives to encourage an open access market initially,” Cramton says. “But the market effects are going to come from T-Mobile and Sprint and smaller carriers.”

We’re moving toward one giant network and a truly free market for wireless.

Think of it this way: Just a few years ago, carriers never would have backed Project Fi or the iPad SIM. But Google and Apple make the phones people want to use, and in an effort to compete with AT&T and Verizon (which together control about 70 percent of the market and 90 percent of the revenue), T-Mobile and Sprint have agreed to work with Google on Project Fi. Meanwhile, AT&T as well as T-Mobile and Sprint are working with Apple on the iPad SIM. As time goes on and more people use these technologies, AT&T and Verizon will have no choice but to play along.

And so it will be with the “open access” network Cramton describes. “The weakness of the small carriers is coverage. They can’t economically build the kind of coverage that AT&T and Verizon can. The open access model allows them to build coverage and compete much more effectively.”

Congestion Pricing

Mexico, where a single carrier dominates the market, is already eyeing this setup. And here in the US, Rivada is pushing to build a public access network with its technology. Seven years ago, the government set aside a swath of wireless spectrum for such a network, but the carriers balked at the opportunity. Now, the Department of Commerce is working to finally realize this network, called FirstNet, and Rivada believes it can help. If the network is built with Rivada’s model, carriers could provide spectrum to first responders as needed, and then offer access for other uses when the system isn’t being used in emergencies.

“With the open access model, the price is determined by congestion,” Cramton says, meaning the price goes up for infrastructure that can serve areas where users are particularly hungry for wireless access. “That creates revenue, especially in the major, congested markets, like New York, LA, Chicago, Washington.”

The hope, however, is that the same basic model is applied to other domestic wireless networks. “This can, and should, apply not just to public safety networks but to a wider tract of the wireless spectrum,” Ganley says. “The ways of allocating spectrum that we have been using are the equivalent of granting royal charters of the East India company of old. It’s an oligopoly over pretty vast tracts of the radio spectrum.”

Political Movement

That will take some doing, not only politically but technically. But the market already is shifting in this direction. In the US, every major carrier is moving toward the LTE wireless network standard, which will make it much easier for phones to switch among carriers. And Apple and Google are building phones with wireless antennae that work with practically any wireless spectrum.

Meanwhile, Rivada says it already offers the technology needed to provide an open access market—and that it will work with existing wireless infrastructure. In short, we’re laying the groundwork for one giant wireless network. “This,” Cramton says, “can provide universal service.”